25 Facts about me....
So me and Abbie came up with 25 ish questions and we thought why not make a more personal blog post and that you can get to know us more?
Name: Alicia Elizabeth
Birthday:11th June 1998
Eye colour: Brown/Hazel
Hair Colour: Brown
Dream Job? Well I have always wanted to be a singer but one I don't have the confidence and two I don't even think im a good singer anyway back to real life I would love to be a journalist and work for a fashion magazine as I love writing blog posts and reading all sort of fashion magazines and really enjoy fashion and beauty.
Last Concert you went to? I actually can not remember what the last concert I went to but i know it was defiantly not the Believe Tour as that was 27th February and I wish it would be that day again.But i seriously can not remember the last concert I went to :S
Favorite item of clothing? Well my favorite item's of clothing will have to be dresses, any kind of skrits and peter pan tops and just nice tops in general
Favourite Makeup Product? I have loads of favourite makeup products but my favourite has to be my Naked Palette wich I use everyday I love the colours in it as I am a big fan of light shimmery glittery brown colours and the palette is just a lovely palette in general.
Favourite Nail Polish? Well a little secret about me and nail polishes is that I have way to many and don't even use them that much but I totally adore pink colours like im in love with glitter and baby pink colours but I always have gel on my nails so I don't know why I buy so many of them but they get their use when my brother's girlfriend comes round and paints her nails... Back to favourite nail polish my favourite has to been a Models Own and the colour is Buff Pink (I think).
Pets?Okay well my mom and me are totally obsessed with animals and my mom used to have pigs, sheep and cows and chickens and the normal pets like dog and cats when she was young so she has grown up around animals and thats what made me love animals so much as my moms side adores animals and i take after them.. I have guinea pig called Bugsy/Piggy and I i honestly love him to death he was named after Bugsy from Bedtime stories as he looks exactly the same as the Guinea pig in the movie he is 4 Years old and is a babe!I also have a British Short Hair kitten and he is black with pumpkin coloured eyes and he is called Zorro and honestly he is such hard work he is a house cat as he was a lot of money due to my mom wanting a Pedigree cat he is honestly still a kitten and he is the size of a small dog....
Injuries? Don't even start me with this.... okay well I have broken my knee several times (7 times :S) put it this way me and my mom have a good bond due to being in A&E many times for alot of hours.They honestly don't know what is wrong with my knee and I have had an MRI and they don't seem to see what is wrong I have been in many full leg casts which might I add are very horrible I have had them on for 6-8 weeks and sometimes im lucky 2 weeks! I have been given a knee brace and I have only just stopped wearing this as I last broke my knee at christmas and only got it off at the end of May and I am going to phsyio which is great... not.... I also pass out alot have other medical things put it this way they all seem to know me at the hospital....Trust me breaking your knee is a very painful thing....
Fears? Well I don't have that many fears but I really don't like heights so thats one fear but my worts fear ever is spiders i seriously can't even deal with spiders if I see one I think I automatically go in to shock I hyperventilate and i just cry don't ask my why i just do they always seem to be in the house when i come back from doing something eg when I went to Venice with school no spiders all week said my mom I walk in boom a spider runs straight at me...
Fanbase? Why are they your idol? Well im a proud Belieber and I bet your wondering well Alicia is a Belieber and Abbie is a one direction fan how do you survive with each other? well I don't know aha! I have been a proud belieber since 2009 when i found Justin's Youtube Channel i remember him covering Alicia Keys Fallin and this is when I had just gotten my own laptop and was looking at Alicia Keys songs on youtube and found Justin and ever since then I have just been there for him.I am so proud of how far he has come and how he has grown up and how he deals with things and i just love how he interacts with us and how we are part of his family im so proud of him and how far he has come and I will always be here for him.And im so lucky to be able to see my idol three times the first was the My world tour which was amazing and my second was a secret location concert which i won tickets to and the third was the Believe tour and honestly it was amazing im so grateful for Justin and he makes me happy PROUD TO BE A BELIEBER!
You use social networks?
well you can follow me if you want to :)
Favourite Movie? well I couldn't just pick one could I? Im totally obsessed with movies and a few of my favourite are The Notebook and I cry every time, the second one I picked was The Pacifier and seriously this is my favourite movie ever and also Never say never has to be my favorite movie as well and I cry every time as Justin is like my idol okay..... ALSO another favourite movie is Easy A I made Abbie watch this round mine and we were in tears laughing at it and singing to it.. Then obviously Mean Girls and White Chicks and She's the man ------ Classic films. And the last one is Bring it on all or nothing and I watched nearly all of them!
obsessed with movies and I don't go a day without watching a movie im a sucker for Romantic movies and disney movies but shhh.
Ever Met a Celebrity? I have met alot of youtubers who are my favourite youtubers but sadly I still have not met Justin yet and hopefully that will happen very soon.I met two youtubers called CTFxC with a married couple called Alli & Charles Trippy and Zoey and Marley,and this is their youtube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/CTFxC).I met Charles for the first time at his bands concert which is We The Kings we queued until 2 in the morning with a huge crowd and honestly it was amazing.The second time I met them we travelled down to London to meet them Acklam village when they were on the Contiki Road trip.On the trip we also meet another couple on youtube named BFvsGF and PrankVsPrank http://www.youtube.com/user/BFvsGF and we met them in London.We had travelled how long on a train with me passing out so I don't look too good.
Favourite city? Well my favourite city is probably London I have been many times and also with bunch of friends for a geography trip which was nice but I got alot with my mom as well and what I love the most is mainly all the scenery and obviously the shopping I mean I think I might be a shopaholic but.... Also New York is my favourite city of all time this year im hoping in october I will be flying over their to explore and shop and bring back something from Brandy for Abbie because im a good friend.
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My photography.... |
Somewhere i would really like to vist?Im honestly so lucky as I have been to different places like America and I have visited many times but I would love to go to Bora Bora and Hawii as they look like such a nice and calm place and lets put it this way the ocean is a pure blue colour...
Favourite Holiday? Im saying this again I am very lucky as I have been to many places that I adore for example I have been to Florida twice 1st time with my whole family and 2nd time with my mom dad and brother and it was amazing and i totally loved it and the rides! I have also been to Greece and Spain alot and enjoyed that so much and this year im going to Cyprus and New York im very grateful for all of this and enjoy every holiday that I have been taken on.
Favourite book? Okay im a real book worm just like my dad and enjoy reading books I have read many books on my kindle as it is easier to buy books and read them like that but I am just starting to read Bird Song which will help me in history yes im a nerd but it's a good book so far and its a good movie,I have also read nearly all the Hunger Game's books and loved them THE MOVIE NEEDS TO COME OUT FASTER! My favourite author is Cathy Hopkins and i have read nearly all her books I love them...
Favourite Quotes? Well I don't have many but....
There’s gonna be times in your life when people say you can’t do something. And there’s gonna be times in your life when people say that you can’t live your dreams. This is what I tell them: Never say never!- Justin Bieber
Stay Positive and just do whatever makes you happy-Charles Trippy
The secrets to life are hidden behind the word cliché-Shay Carl
Last book you read? Million Dollar mates by Cathy Hopkins,Her books are amazing! I read alot of books but I think this was my most recent one due to being busy with exams and playing animal crossing on the DS because im a loser and im obsessed with the game...
Favourite Memory?I have loads of memories but my main favourites are seeing Justin in concert many times and being lucky to be able to be so close to my idol it was just amazing and be able to experience the atmosphere!My second one would be going to Italy with my friends and school I really enjoyed spending time with them and have loads of great memories from it and we even managed to get Abbie to swim;) the worst thing was the 32 hour bus ride and I and even ripped my joggers half way through the journey all the way down the back not good.... but these will always be memories that wills stop with me forever.
Look how close I was to my idol |
So close to my idol best day ever... |
Injuries? Don't even start me with this.... okay well I have broken my knee several times (7 times :S) put it this way me and my mom have a good bond due to being in A&E many times for alot of hours.They honestly don't know what is wrong with my knee and I have had an MRI and they don't seem to see what is wrong I have been in many full leg casts which might I add are very horrible I have had them on for 6-8 weeks and sometimes im lucky 2 weeks! I have been given a knee brace and I have only just stopped wearing this as I last broke my knee at christmas and only got it off at the end of May and I am going to phsyio which is great... not.... I also pass out alot have other medical things put it this way they all seem to know me at the hospital....Trust me breaking your knee is a very painful thing....
Fanbase? Why are they your idol? Well im a proud Belieber and I bet your wondering well Alicia is a Belieber and Abbie is a one direction fan how do you survive with each other? well I don't know aha! I have been a proud belieber since 2009 when i found Justin's Youtube Channel i remember him covering Alicia Keys Fallin and this is when I had just gotten my own laptop and was looking at Alicia Keys songs on youtube and found Justin and ever since then I have just been there for him.I am so proud of how far he has come and how he has grown up and how he deals with things and i just love how he interacts with us and how we are part of his family im so proud of him and how far he has come and I will always be here for him.And im so lucky to be able to see my idol three times the first was the My world tour which was amazing and my second was a secret location concert which i won tickets to and the third was the Believe tour and honestly it was amazing im so grateful for Justin and he makes me happy PROUD TO BE A BELIEBER!
You use social networks?
well you can follow me if you want to :)
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